What is Isg Movie-CD Menu?
This package supplies two different looking menu programs which are meant to easily create a menu for a self-burnt CD-Rom with a movie on it.
Both menus support 4 commands: “Play Movie”, “Install Software” (in case you want to supply codec and/or player software on the same CD), “Bonus Material” (in case you want to supply additional data with the movie, like for example critics, summary, slide shows, ...) and “Info”, displaying a short text which may describe system requirements or properties of the film.
The caption on the buttons for the first three commands may be edited (like this the menu may especially appear in any language).
The look and behaviour of the menu are configured by writing / editing an ini file which joins the menu program. A template ini file, example ini files and a detailed reference to the available options are included.
This image shows both types of menus offered in this package: On the left is Menu “I”, which is showing a relatively small window centred on the screen. This may optionally contain an image, but works without image, too. On the right is Menu “II”, showing a window filling the whole screen, this requires an image to fill the window (the image may have different size than in the screenshot).