Examples: Content Plug-ins

Examples for usage of jquery-progresspiesvg.js with bundled content plug-ins

Some selected previews of the examples (shown in detail further down in this document):

0 % 5 % 25 %

80 % 100 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 %

Content plug-ins: Control Icons

To use these content plug-ins, in addition to jQuery and jquery-progresspiesvg-min.js also include the additional plug-in file jquery-progresspiesvg-controlIcons-min.js into your HTML!

Control icons inside a ring with default size and same color

    var me = $(this);
        color: "#00d",
        strokeWidth: 1,
        ringWidth: 3,
        contentPlugin: me.hasClass("play") ? "play" : me.hasClass("pause") ? "pause" : "stop"

applied to elements like:

<span class="pr icon stop">100</span> %

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 50 % 65 % 80 % 99 % 100 %

Manual sizing and color override

Normally the icon is drawn in the same color as the outer ring and is auto-sized to fit into the ring. If you want to get a smaller icon (especially when drawing greater pie/ring charts), you may add a maxSize option to the content plug-in options. If you want to override the color, add a color option. All these content plug-in options are members of an object passed to the progressPie plug-in in option contentPluginOptions:

    size: 30,
    strokeWidth: 15,
    ringWidth: 2,
    strokeColor: "#ddd",
    color: "#d00",
    valueData: "val",    
    contentPlugin: "pause",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        color: "navy",
        maxSize: 7

Combination with a pie graph

The content plug-ins are primarily designed to put content into the blank space of a ring graph like in the examples above. But in principle it's also possible to combine it with a progress pie graph. In the latter case keep in mind, the content is drawn as a layer on top of the pie graph. If you keep the default color (which is exactly the same as that of the pie), part of the icon will be effectively invisible. So this combination requires you to manually set a color scheme where the content color (here: the control icon) is drawn in a (foreground) color which is well readable on top of the background color (e.g. white) as well as on top of the pie color (e.g. a light grey):

    color: "#ccc",
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "pause",
    contentPluginOptions: {color: "navy"}


Comparing this to the first example, you might have noticed that in this case the control icons are larger: The default icon size when combined with a ring graph is calculated based on the inner radius of the always free space inside a filled ring. The default icon size when drawn on top of a pie, on the other hand, is based on the (larger) radius of the surrounding circle stroke of the pie graph.

Styling with CSS

As already explained and demonstrated above, you may add a color option to the contentPluginOptions, and if you don't, the icon inherits the color of the chart's foreground.
But there's one exception: In CSS mode the chart's color is not set by a JavaScript option at all, but left undefined to be styled by a CSS style sheet. In this case, this content plug-in (as long as you don't specify a color in the contentPluginOption) will also not add local styles to the SVG itself, but leave the styling of the icon to your CSS, too.

For this purpose, the icon shapes are fitted with a CSS class for easy selection in your CSS stylesheet. The default class name is progresspie-control-icon.

For example, consider the following script code (as a variation of the first example) defining the global CSS mode and omitting a color option:

$(".pr.icon-css").each(function() {
    var me = $(this);
        mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
        size: 30,
        strokeWidth: 1,
        ringWidth: 3,
        valueData: "val",
        contentPlugin: me.hasClass("play") ? "play" : me.hasClass("pause") ? "pause" : "stop"

Now, let's style the chart itself as well as the content plug-in's control icons via CSS rules:

.pr.icon-css .progresspie-background {
    stroke: rgba(200, 50, 0, 0.8);
    fill: none;
.pr.icon-css .progresspie-foreground {
    stroke: rgba(200, 50, 0, 0.8);
.pr.icon-css.solid .progresspie-control-icon {
    fill: rgba(200, 50, 0, 0.8);
.pr.icon-css.outline .progresspie-control-icon {
    stroke: navy;
    stroke-width: 1px;
    fill: none;

The CSS above contains two different styling exampled, the first of which (class "solid") simply sets the color by the fill property:

<span class="pr icon-css play solid" data-val="45"></span>
<span class="pr icon-css stop solid" data-val="45"></span>
<span class="pr icon-css pause solid" data-val="45"></span>

The second variation (class "outline") adds a stroke and removes the fill:

<span class="pr icon-css play outline" data-val="45"></span>
<span class="pr icon-css stop outline" data-val="45"></span>
<span class="pr icon-css pause outline" data-val="45"></span>

Custom CSS class names

If you don't want to use the default class name progresspie-control-icon, you may define your favorite class name via the content plug-in's cssClass option:

    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    cssClassBackgroundCircle: "piebg",
    cssClassForegroundPie: "piefg",
    size: 30,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    ringWidth: 3,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "pause",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        cssClass: "ctrlico"
.pr.icon-css2 .piebg {
    stroke: silver;
    fill: none;
.pr.icon-css2 .piefg {
    stroke: navy;
.pr.icon-css2 .ctrlico {
    fill: maroon;
<span class="pr icon-css2" data-val="45"></span>

Content plug-in: checkComplete

This plug-in draws a check mark into a closed ring or onto a full pie, i.e. when the percent value equals 100%. Inside a ring, the default color of the check mark equals the color of the ring, while check marks drawn on top of a full pie are drawn in white by default. You may style the check by choosing your own color, changing the default stroke width (of 2px) or changing the line caps (i.e. from round to rectangular):


0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 50 % 65 % 80 % 99 % 100 %

    contentPlugin: "checkComplete",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        strokeWidth: 1
    color: function(percent) {
        return percent === 100 ? $.fn.progressPie.colorByPercent(100) : $.fn.progressPie.Mode.GREY.color;

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 50 % 65 % 80 % 99 % 100 %

    strokeWidth: 1,
    ringWidth: 3,
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.COLOR,

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 50 % 65 % 80 % 99 % 100 %

    sizeFactor: 1.5,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    ringWidth: 3,
    color: "navy",
    verticalAlign: "middle",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        strokeWidth: 4,
        lineCap: "square",
        color: "#0b0"

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 50 % 65 % 80 % 99 % 100 %

New: You may optionally set a background color:

    sizeFactor: 1.5,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    ringWidth: 3,
    color: "navy",
    verticalAlign: "middle",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        backgroundColor: "#0a0",
        color: "white"

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 50 % 65 % 80 % 99 % 100 %

The backgroundColor option (note: contentPluginOptions.backgroundColor is not to be confused with the “root” backgroundColor option, which defines a fill color for the whole pie or ring chart's background circle!) may be combined with fullSize in order to cover the whole ring…

    sizeFactor: 1.5,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    ringWidth: 3,
    color: "navy",
    verticalAlign: "middle",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        backgroundColor: "#0a0",
        color: "white",
        fullSize: true

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 50 % 65 % 80 % 99 % 100 %

… optionally combined with the inBackground option, which draws the whole check icon in the background of the ring instead of on top…

    sizeFactor: 1.5,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    ringWidth: 3,
    color: "navy",
    verticalAlign: "middle",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        backgroundColor: "#0a0",
        color: "white",
        fullSize: true,
        inBackground: true

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 50 % 65 % 80 % 99 % 100 %

…or you may set the margin option in order to vary the free space between the filled background of the check icon and the (closed) ring. The iconSizeFactor option may be added to override the ratio between the background circle's and the check icon's size, i.e. you may draw larger or smaller checks if you prefer to.

Note: Both options (margin and iconSizeFactor) are explained in more detail below with the error icon plug-in, see especially: Details on sizing and measurements.

    sizeFactor: 1.5,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    ringWidth: 3,
    color: "navy",
    verticalAlign: "middle",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        backgroundColor: "#0a0",
        color: "white",
        margin: 2,
        iconSizeFactor: 0.8

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 50 % 65 % 80 % 99 % 100 %


    contentPlugin: "checkComplete",
    contentPluginOptions: { animate: true }
    strokeWidth: 1,
    ringWidth: 3,
    scale: 2,
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.COLOR,
    contentPluginOptions: {animate: "2s"}
    scale: 2,
    contentPlugin: "checkComplete",
    contentPluginOptions: {animate: "5s"}

Default: 100 %, 2s: 100 %, 5s: 100 %,

Reload page to replay animations

Secondary content plug-in if not complete

Since the checkComplete plug-in only adds content if the value is 100%, it allows you to specify a secondary content plug-in which gets called if the value is less than 100%. For this purpose, just add a contentPlugin option to the contentPluginOptions of the checkComplete plug-in. Optionally, you may also add a contentPluginOpions object to override options set in the "parent" contentPluginOptions: The secondary plug-ins gets all the options that were passed to the primary checkComplete plug-in, merged with this inner options object. In the following example this is demonstrated by the color property: The outer contentPluginOpion override the "navy" color set for the ring graph, setting the color for the check to "green". The inner content plug-in ("pause") would normally inherit its parent's color ("green"), which is overriden in its own local options to be "maroon" instead.

    sizeFactor: 1.5,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    ringWidth: 3,
    color: "navy",
    contentPlugin: "checkComplete",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        animate: true,
        strokeWidth: 3,
        color: "green",
        contentPlugin: "pause",
        contentPluginOptions: { color: "maroon" }

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 50 % 65 % 80 % 99 % 100 %

Styling with CSS

Like the control-icons plug-in introduced above, this checkComplete plug-in also now supports CSS mode:

  • If the global mode option is not set to $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS, i.e. CSS mode is disabled, the color of the check mark is as demonstrated above: It defaults to white, but can be explicitly set by adding a color option to the contentPluginOptions. Also, as already shown above, a backgroundColor may be added to introduce a filled background circle.

  • In CSS mode, however, you get the chance to style the check mark and the optional filled background circle via a CSS stylesheet:

    • If you draw a pie, the check mark still defaults to white color as in normal mode, but unlike in normal mode this is not defined as inline CSS, but as an SVG stroke attribute. This means, you can simply override the color by defining a stroke property in a CSS stylesheet and don't have to add an !important directive.

    • Inside a ring chart, no default color is defined. In this case you have to define a stroke style in your CSS.

    • A fill style is not supported (it would only fill the triangle you get if you close the path by directly connecting the end points of the check mark).

    • The check icon's path is equipped with the class progresspie-check, which you can use in your CSS selectors. You can override this default class name by specifying a cssClass option inside the contentPluginOptions.

    • If you want to insert a background circle (like shown in examples above) in CSS mode, and don't want to programatically define its background color (via the backgroundColor option), but want to specify the background color inside your CSS, add the cssClassBackgroundCircle option to the contentPluginOptions instead. This will insert a background circle equipped with the specified class attribute but without default styles.
      (There is no default class name for this background: If you omit this option, no background circle is inserted into the chart at all.)

The following code demonstrates several variations of the aforementioned options: A pie in CSS mode relying on the default check color (white), a second one overriding the default by setting a stroke color in the CSS. Then three ring charts, one with and one without background circle, and a third one which only differs from the second one by setting the fullSize option. The last two also use a custom CSS class name for the check mark while the others rely on the default class name (progresspie-check).

    scale: 2,
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "checkComplete"

    scale: 2,
    strokeWidth: 3,
    ringWidth: 3,
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "checkComplete"
    scale: 2,
    strokeWidth: 3,
    ringWidth: 3,
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "checkComplete",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        cssClass: "tick",
        cssClassBackgroundCircle: "tickbg"
    scale: 2,
    strokeWidth: 3,
    ringWidth: 3,
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "checkComplete",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        cssClass: "tick",
        cssClassBackgroundCircle: "tickbg",
        fullSize: true
.pp.checkCss .progresspie-background {
    fill: none;
.pp.checkCss .progresspie-foreground {
    stroke: #aaa;
.pp.checkCss.styled .progresspie-check {
    stroke: #0e0;
.pr.checkCss .progresspie-background {
    fill: none;
    stroke: silver;
.pr.checkCss .progresspie-foreground {
    stroke: #888;
.pr.checkCss .progresspie-check {
    stroke: green;
.pr.checkCss .tick {
    stroke: white;
.pr.checkCss .tickbg {
    fill: green;
<span class="pp checkCss defaultWhite" data-val="100"></span>
<span class="pp checkCss styled" data-val="100"></span>
<span class="pr checkCss noBg" data-val="100"></span>
<span class="pr checkCss bg" data-val="100"></span>
<span class="pr checkCss fs" data-val="100"></span>

Content plug-ins: Warning and Error Icons

As companions to the checkComplete plug-in, these content plug-ins provide similar icons to depict the fact that the process, whose progress had been monitored by a pie or ring chart, has aborted with an error or warning.

In difference to the check icon, which can be configured in advance of a progress measurement to be shown as soon as the progress reaches 100%, warning or error icons are only designed to be applied retrospectively, usually just in exceptional cases.
I.e. the typical usage scenario would be something like the following:

  • Firstly, include the optional plug-in file jquery-progresspiesvg-errorIcons-min.js into your web page in order to be able to use these plug-ins.

  • You would typically configure a progress pie display using the setupProgressPie() function, probably also using the checkComplete plug-in in order to automatically show the check icon if the monitored process terminates regularly.

  • Using the progressPie() function without parameters, you may draw and update the chart. (To update, you would usually first update the percent value source, then call the progressPie() jQuery plug-in to redraw, see other examples for details.)

  • If the process fails or terminates with a warning message, you may retrospectively alter the setup and redraw the pie:

    • Recall the setupProgressPie({…}) jQuery plug-in function. The object only needs to define the properties which should be changed/redefined. Any properties which should be left unchanged do not have to be passed to the setup again.

    • Especially, add or overwrite the contentPlugin option, setting it to "cross", "exclamationMark" or "warning" in order to use one of these plug-ins.

    • Add a contentPluginOptions option to customize the looks of the error or warning icon.

    • Then, call progressPie() again to update the graph.

The jquery-progresspiesvg-errorIcons-min.js currently provides three content plug-ins: cross draws an X icon (typically used to depict an error message), exclamationMark draws a simple exclamation mark into or onto the circular icon, and warning draws a warning sign consisting of an exclamation mark on a filled triangle.

All three of these content plug-ins will now be demonstrated in combination with previous examples of the checkComplete plug-in. So refer to the examples above to find the initial setup for the classes pp check1, pr check1 and pr check2. These examples only modify the initial setups.

cross and exclamationMark

combination with progress pies

Combining the cross and exclamationMark plug-ins with the previous simple pie example (class .pp.check1):

    contentPlugin: "cross"
    contentPlugin: "exclamationMark"

applied to:

<span class="pp check1">0</span> %
<span class="pp check1">5</span> %
<span class="pp check1">25</span> %
<span class="pp check1 cross1">42</span> %
<span class="pp check1 excla1">42</span> %

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 42 %

As you see, the default settings fill the whole circle with red resp. yellow background color and draw a white cross resp. exclamation mark on top. You may choose different foreground or background colors, stroke width, line cap etc.

By default, the icon's background totally occludes the pie graph. If you still want the progress to remain visible, you have several alternative options:

  • You may turn off the opaque background and just draw a colored cross on top of the pie.

  • You may use an rgba value with alpha channel for the background color in order to fill the background semi-transparently, so the pie still shines through.

  • You may set the margin property in order to draw a smaller, centered error icon and leave the outer rim of the pie chart visible.

  • Or you may draw the content as background to the pie using its inBackground option. In this case, it's recommended to use a semi-transparent foreground color for the pie so that the error or warning icon remains visible for larger percent values.

The following examples demonstrate all four options:

    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        withBackground: false,
        iconColor: "red",
        strokeWidth: 3,
        lineCap: "square"
    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        backgroundColor: "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)"
    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        margin: 3,
        strokeWidth: 1,
        iconSizeFactor: 0.7
    color: "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)",
    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        inBackground: true
    contentPlugin: "exclamationMark",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        strokeWidth: 1
    contentPlugin: "exclamationMark",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        backgroundColor: null,
        iconColor: "red",
        strokeWidth: 3
    contentPlugin: "exclamationMark",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        backgroundColor: "rgba(255,230,0,0.6)",
        iconColor: "black"
    color: "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)",
    contentPlugin: "exclamationMark",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        inBackground: true

42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 %

combination with progress rings

If you combine these content plug-ins with a progress ring, by default the icons only fill the white space inside the ring, always leaving the progress ring itself visible:

    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {}
    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        backgroundColor: null,
        iconColor: "red"
    contentPlugin: "exclamationMark",
    contentPluginOptions: {}
    contentPlugin: "exclamationMark",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        backgroundColor: null,
        iconColor: "red"

applied to:

<span class="pr check1">0</span> %
<span class="pr check1">5</span> %
<span class="pr check1">25</span> %
<span class="pr check1 cross1">42</span> %
<span class="pr check1 cross2">42</span> %
<span class="pr check1 excla1">42</span> %
<span class="pr check1 excla2">42</span> %

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 %

You may optionally choose a full size icon analogous to drawing on top of a pie, optionally placed in the background so that the ring remains visible on top of the full sized icon (in the latter case, the examples choose "navy" as foreground color for the ring in order to get a nice contrast).
Also, the following examples demonstrate SMIL animation (reload to trigger, not supported in IE/Edge):

    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        fullSize: true,
        animate: true
    color: "navy",
    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        fullSize: true,
        inBackground: true,
        animate: true,
        iconSizeFactor: 0.5
    contentPlugin: "exclamationMark",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        fullSize: true,
        strokeWidth: 4,
        animate: true
    contentPlugin: "exclamationMark",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        fullSize: true,
        backgroundColor: "#700",
        lineCap: "square",
        strokeWidth: 3,
        animate: "2s"
    color: "navy",
    contentPlugin: "exclamationMark",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        fullSize: true,
        inBackground: true,
        animate: true,
        iconSizeFactor: 0.5

42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 %

Notice that the exclamation mark gets reduced to a simple vertical line if the line width is too large to draw a well proportioned exclamation mark considering the available height.

With the default setting fullSize === false, and when combined with a progress ring instead of a pie, the error or warning icon gets placed inside the ring, leaving by default a 1px gap between the ring and the content. You may also override this default by setting the margin option:

    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        margin: 0
    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        margin: 3,
        strokeWidth: 1

42 % 42 %

Finally, to demo the icons in larger size, let's repeat all of the examples above, combining the them with the base ring example class .pr.check2 instead of .pr.check1 (both taken from the examples for the checkComplete plug-in):

0 % 5 % 25 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 % 42 %

Details on sizing and measurements

Finally, let's talk about circle sizes / radii: The whole pie graph or ring graph is circular and has a total outer radius (obviously). It has already been demonstrated that in pie mode the error / warning icons will use this total radius (optionally minus a margin, defaulting to 0), while in ring mode, they get scaled into a smaller circle fitting inside the ring (unless the fullSize option is set). In the latter case (ring mode, !fullSize), the error icon's radius is the total radius minus the ringWidth minus an optional margin (defaulting to 1). Let's call this radius r.


The image above shows the ringWidth (property of the progress pie plug-in options), the margin (property of the content plug-in options) and the remaining content radius r as well as the total radius and two other derived values. (Derived values are set in italic.)

Now, if you don't set backgroundColor to null, you will get a circle with radius r, filled with the background color. The actual icon which gets drawn on top of that filled circle (cross or exclamation mark), is usually even smaller than the filled background, leaving an inner padding between the line ends and the outer edge of the filled background. I.e. the actual icon gets fitted into an even smaller circle inside the background's circle.

The radius of this icon's circumcircle (see dashed silver circle in the image above) is r * iconSizeFactor, iconSizeFactor being a option, which is set to 0.6 by default, but may be customized via contentPluginOptions. The padding is the difference between r and the actual icon's radius.
Note that the padding—other than the margin—is not set as an absolute value, but is indirectly defined via the iconSizeFactor relative to the icon size: With an iconSizeFactor of 0.6, the padding is 40% of r. The greater the factor, the smaller the padding. Setting iconSizeFactor to 1.0 will remove the padding completely, resulting in the icon “touching” the background's border:

If you set backgroundColor to null, the margin property will be ignored! Then the icon will be drawn directly into a transparent circle with either total radius (pie or fullSize) or into the ring, with the padding (derived from the iconSizeFactor) as the total distance between the icon's circumcircle and the ring resp. the total radius.

In the following example we'll add an error (cross) icon to a much larger graphic (taken from the Value display plug-in examples which will be shown later on this page). Let's assume we want a smaller cross an that large red disc, so we set the icon size (and thus the padding) to 50%. Also, we'll increase the margin to 3, leaving a 3 pixel gap between the ring and the error icon's background:

    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        iconSizeFactor: 0.5,
        strokeWidth: 4,
        margin: 3

applied to

<span class="percent default smallerCross" data-val="45"></span>

Styling with CSS

Very similar to the checkComplete plug-in, these warning and error icon plug-ins also now support CSS mode:

  • If the global mode option is not set to $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS, i.e. CSS mode is disabled, the icon color and optional filled background's color are controlled as shown above. They are inserted into the chart as inline styles which could only be overridden by external style sheets using the !important directive.

  • In CSS mode, however, you get the chance to style the cross or exclamation mark strokes and the optional filled background circle via a CSS stylesheet:

    • Colors for icon and, if present, background circle of this plug-in are still inserted directly into the SVG. If you don't specify the colors directly via script options (like in the examples above), the default colors will be inserted.

    • But the colors are specifically not inserted as inline styles, but as SVG attributes. This means, any external CSS rule will override these SVG-local colors. I.e. in CSS mode an external style sheet can simply override the colors without having to add an !important directive (as in Non-CSS-Mode).

  • In either case, class attributes are added to the icon and, if present, the background circle (which can be completely omitted by setting withBackground to false). This enables easy selection of the icons by external style sheets.
    The class names default to progresspie-erroricon resp. progresspie-erroricon-background (defined in $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.errorIconsCommonDefaults) and can be overridden by adding the options cssClass resp. cssClassBackgroundCircle to the contentPluginOptions.


    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        strokeWidth: 3,
        iconSizeFactor: 0.7
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    ringWidth: 3,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        margin: 1,
        iconSizeFactor: 0.8,
        cssClass: "crossFg",
        cssClassBackgroundCircle: "crossBg"
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    strokeWidth: 1,
    ringWidth: 3,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "cross",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        iconSizeFactor: 0.8,
        withBackground: false
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    strokeWidth: 2,
    ringWidth: 2,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "exclamationMark",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        fullSize: true,
        animate: true
.pp.crossCss .progresspie-background {
    fill: none;
.pp.crossCss .progresspie-foreground {
    stroke: #aaa;
.pp.crossCss .progresspie-erroricon-background {
    opacity: 0.7;
.pr.crossCss .progresspie-background {
    fill: none;
    stroke: navy;
.pr.crossCss .progresspie-background {
    fill: none;
    stroke: navy;
.pr.crossCss .progresspie-foreground {
    stroke: navy;
.pr.crossCss .crossFg {
    stroke: red;
.pr.crossCss .crossBg {
    fill: silver;
    stroke: none;
.pr.crossCss.noBg .progresspie-erroricon {
    stroke-linecap: square;
    stroke-width: 3;
    stroke: rgb(150, 0, 0);
.pr.exclaCSS .progresspie-background {
    fill: #ddd;
    stroke: #ccc;
.pr.exclaCSS .progresspie-foreground {
    stroke: navy;
.pr.exclaCSS .progresspie-erroricon-background {
    fill: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.6);
.pr.exclaCSS .progresspie-erroricon {
    stroke: #a00;
    fill: #a00;
<span class="pp crossCss" data-val="50"></span>
<span class="pr crossCss bg" data-val="50"></span>
<span class="pr crossCss noBg" data-val="50"></span>
<span class="pr exclaCSS" data-val="50"></span>

The first example demonstrates what happens, if you omit color styles in CSS mode: The default colors (white cross on red background) still apply. It also demonstrates (by reducing the opacity of the background circle via CSS) that the half-filled pie chart behind the error icon is always present in CSS mode, since the script code can't decide, whether it will be fully occluded by the content plug-in or not. In Non-CSS-mode, on the other hand, no (effectively invisible) pie would be inserted behind a full-sized content plug-in with solidly filled background at all.

The second example demonstrates a combination with a ring chart and setting foreground and background color via CSS rules, while using custom class names defined in the contentPluginOptions.

The third example is similar to the second, but it explicitly removes the background and uses the default CSS class name for the icon itself.

The fourth example demonstrates styling the exclamation mark. Note that there exist two SVG shapes of class progresspie-erroricon in this case: one stroke (the vertical line of the exclamation mark) and one circle (the dot beneath). The line can not be filled, it can only be styled by the stroke property. The circle, on the other hand, is only meant to be filled, so you normally only would need to style the fill property. The example sets stroke and fill for both shapes. The fill property for the line does not have any effect. A stroke around the circle however could increase the dot in size (diameter). In order to prevent that, the stroke-width property of the circle defaults to 0. You could, however set the fill to 0 and explicityl set the stroke-with (to something like 0.5), in order to only draw the dot's online. But I wouldn't recommend that.


If you prefer a triangular warning sign instead of a simple exclamation mark in a circle, you may use the content plug-in warning instead of exclamationMark. Similar to the latter, this plug-in draws an exclamation mark in a foreground color (default: white) on a background (default: yellow), only this time, the background does not fill the whole pie or the whole inner space of a ring, but is a triangle placed on top of the pie chart or inside the ring:

    contentPlugin: "warning"

    contentPlugin: "warning",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        strokeWidth: 1

42 % 42 % 42 %

In addition to the other two plug-in's options like iconColor, backgroundColor or strokeWidth this plug-in introduces a borderRadius option: Its default value is zero, which means the three corners of the triangle are not rounded. By setting it to (small) positive values you may draw rounded corners. Setting a positive border radius also increases the size of the triangle to maintain the margin between the ring and the now clipped corners.

    contentPlugin: "warning",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        borderRadius: 2,
        backgroundColor: "red"

42 % 42 %

All other options of cross and exclamationMark are also applicable. You might, for example, also set the fullSize option to true. Yet, in this case, this will of course not cover the whole graph, but simply draw the triangles corners over the ring:

    contentPlugin: "warning",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        fullSize: true, 

42 % 42 %

Just like with the other plug-ins above you may optionally place the triangle into the background:

    contentPlugin: "warning",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        fullSize: true, 
        inBackground: true,

42 % 42 %

In difference to the circular exclamationMark and cross icons, this triangular warning icon will never actually fully cover/occlude the pie or ring chart. But in case you just want to replace the progress indicator by the warning sign without the chart still visible in the background, and you really want to use the triangular warning sign and not the circular exclamationMark, the warning content plug-in offers you the additional boolean option hideChart. Just set it to true, then the chart won't be drawn in the background:

    contentPlugin: "warning",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        fullSize: true, 
        borderRadius: 2,
        hideChart: true

42 % 42 %

Styling with CSS

Styling in CSS mode is mainly the same as with the other errorIcons (cross and exclamationMark). One example:

    size: 30,
    contentPlugin: "warning",
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    contentPluginOptions: {
        fullSize: true, 
        borderRadius: 2,
        hideChart: true
.pr.warnOnlyCss svg {
    vertical-align: middle;
.pr.warnOnlyCss .progresspie-erroricon-background {
    stroke: #ddd;
    fill: #ddd;
.pr.warnOnlyCss .progresspie-erroricon {
    stroke: red;
    fill: red;

42 %

Combining example: Busy-indicator without progress measurement with state feedback after completion

Imagine you let your users start a process without progress measurement. So you just want to show some rotating “busy indicator”, but when the process terminates, this should change to an icon showing the final state, either success, error or warning.

The following example shows a proposal how to realize that with the progressPie plug-in. Some features I want to point out:

  • Since no progress in percent is measured, this example uses some string values assigned as raw values to the pie's data: RUNNING, SUCCESS, ERROR and WARNING. The options valueAdapter and valueByRawValue are then used to convert these string values to a percent value and options. The calculated percent value for RUNNING defines the size of the gap in the rotating ring, the 100 percent value for SUCCESS ensures that the content plug-in checkComplete shows the check icon, for the other states, the percent value does not matter.

  • CSS transistions after a javascript-defined timeout are used for fade-in and fade-out effects of the chart.

var busyExampleCommonContentPluginOptions = {
    fullSize: true,
    animate: true
$("#busyExample").css("opacity", 0).setupProgressPie({
    valueData: "state",
    ringWidth: 2,
    strokeWidth: 0,
    verticalAlign: "middle",
    valueAdapter: function(state) {
        return  state === 'RUNNING' ? 80 : 100;
    optionsByRawValue: function(state) {
        switch (state) {
            case 'RUNNING': return {
                    rotation: true
            case 'SUCCESS': return {
                    contentPlugin: "checkComplete",
                    contentPluginOptions: $.extend({}, busyExampleCommonContentPluginOptions, {
                        color: "white",
                        backgroundColor: "#0a0"
            case 'ERROR': return {
                    contentPlugin: "cross",
                    contentPluginOptions: busyExampleCommonContentPluginOptions
            case 'WARNING': return {
                    contentPlugin: "warning",
                    contentPluginOptions: $.extend({}, busyExampleCommonContentPluginOptions, {
                        hideChart: true,
                        borderRadius: 3

$(".btnBusyExample").click(function() {
    $(".btnBusyExample").prop("disabled", true);
    $("#busyExample").data("state", "RUNNING").css("opacity", 1).progressPie();
    var finalState = $(this).data("finalState");
    setTimeout(function() {
        $("#busyExample").data("state", finalState).progressPie();
        setTimeout(function() {
            $("#busyExample").css("opacity", 0);
            $(".btnBusyExample").prop("disabled", false);
        }, 5000);
    }, 3000);
#busyExample {
    transition: opacity 2s;
    <button class="btnBusyExample" data-final-state="SUCCESS">trigger demo -&gt; success</button>
    <button class="btnBusyExample" data-final-state="ERROR">trigger demo -&gt; error</button>
    <button class="btnBusyExample" data-final-state="WARNING">trigger demo -&gt; warning</button>
    <span id="busyExample"></span>

Content plug-in: Value display inside ring

To use these content plug-ins, in addition to jQuer and jquery-progresspiesvg-min.js also include the additional plug-in file jquery-progresspiesvg-valueDisplay-min.js into your HTML!

Default: Percent values in default font sizes and unit label "%" on second line

    verticalAlign: "middle",
    valueData: "val",
    size: 50,
    ringWidth: 3,
    strokeWidth: 3,
    strokeColor: "#ddd",
    color: "navy",
    contentPlugin: "percent"

Default font: Helvetica:

The font face is not configured as part of the SVG, but of the conainting HTML element, and is inherited by the SVG.

Smaller (size: 30):

Thicker ring with rounded ends and different colors for ring and content:

    verticalAlign: "middle",
    valueData: "val",
    size: 50,
    ringWidth: 7,
    ringEndsRounded: true,
    strokeWidth: 7,
    strokeColor: "#eee",
    color: "#a00",
    contentPlugin: "percent",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        color: "navy"

This also demonstrates the fact that the font-size is calculated based on the inner radius of the ring graph: A thicker ring with unchanged outer radius / overall size means less space inside the ring and a smaller font for the value.

Single-line mode

    verticalAlign: "middle",
    valueData: "val",
    size: 50,
    ringWidth: 3,
    strokeWidth: 3,
    strokeColor: "#ddd",
    color: "navy",
    contentPlugin: "percent",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        singleLine: true

Modified font sizes: unit label "%" larger, number a little smaller
    verticalAlign: "middle",
    valueData: "val",
    size: 50,
    ringWidth: 3,
    strokeWidth: 3,
    strokeColor: "#ddd",
    color: "navy",
    contentPlugin: "percent",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        singleLine: true,
        fontSizeFactor: 0.8,
        unitFontSizeFactor: 0.5

Display raw value instead of percent

If you supply other values than plain percent numbers (1..100) and provided a value adapter function to convert your raw values to percent, this value display plug-in may also display the original (raw) value instead of the percent value calculated by the value adapter.

In these examples the raw value is a seconds value in (1..60). The first exampled sets a unit label to "sec.", the second example leaves the unit label unset and simply displays the number. Both increase the font size, since two-digit numbers need less width than the max. three-digit percent numbers.

    valueData: "val",
    valueAdapter: function(s) {return parseInt(s) * 10 / 6;},
    size: 50,
    ringWidth: 5,
    strokeWidth: 5,
    strokeColor: "#ddd",
    strokeDashes: {
        count: 12,
        length: 2,
        centered: true,
        inverted: true
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.COLOR,
    contentPlugin: "rawValue",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        unit: "sec.",
        fontSizeFactor: 1.2

    valueData: "val",
    valueAdapter: function(s) {return parseInt(s) * 10 / 6;},
    size: 50,
    ringWidth: 5,
    strokeWidth: 5,
    strokeColor: "#ddd",
    strokeDashes: {
        count: 12,
        length: 2,
        centered: true
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.COLOR,
    contentPlugin: "rawValue",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        fontSizeFactor: 1.4

Styling with CSS

Just like the content plug-ins introduces before, this "valueDisplay" plug-in now also supports CSS mode:

  • First of all, the text content is equipped with CSS class names (HTML class attributes), and that's always the case, independently of CSS mode:

    • The whole text content (value and optional unit display) is realized as one single text element.

    • Its class is – by default – progresspie-valuedisplay.

    • You may add the option cssClass to contentPluginOptions in order to override this default and specify a custom class name.

    • The (optional) unit is a sub element (tspan) of that text element. It is qualified with a CSS class name of its own, defaulting to progresspie-unit.

    • You may add the option cssClassUnit to the contentPluginOptionsn order to override this default and specify a custom class name.

    • Since the unit is a sub element of the valuedisplay text element, it inherits its styles, i.e. styles applied to .progresspie-valuedisplay by default also apply to the unit label, the class .progresspie-unit is only meant for the case that the unit label's styles should differ from the value display's styles.

  • In Non-CSS-Mode, a fill style is used to specify the font color. In CSS mode, that style is omitted, resulting in a black color, as long as no CSS style sheets define a different color.

The next two examples demonstrate the use of CSS mode. The first one does not specify any contentPluginOption at all, the second one demonstrates custom CSS class names. While the second example only uses CSS for defining colors – different colors for value and unit in this case –, the first one also shows how other aspects like font-family and font-weight can be styled.

    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    valueData: "val",
    size: 50,
    ringWidth: 3,
    strokeWidth: 3,
    contentPlugin: "percent"
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    valueData: "val",
    size: 50,
    ringWidth: 3,
    strokeWidth: 3,
    contentPlugin: "percent",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        singleLine: true,
        cssClass: "percents",
        cssClassUnit: "unitlabel"
.percent.css svg {
    vertical-align: middle;
.percent.css .progresspie-background {
    stroke: silver;
    fill: #eee;
.percent.css .progresspie-foreground {
    stroke: navy;
.percent.css.style1 .progresspie-valuedisplay {
    fill: #058;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-family: sans-serif;
.percent.css.style2 .percents {
    fill: maroon;
.percent.css.style2 .unitlabel {
    fill: green;
<span class="percent css style1" data-val="66"></span>
<span class="percent css style2" data-val="66"></span>

A last example is just to demonstrate that CSS styling is not restricted to CSS mode: The JavaScript code in this example is identical to a previous example. In Particular, the color of the value display is not defined statically via CSS, but dynamically dependent on the pie's value like in the previous example, just the unit label is now statically CSS-colored. In addition, CSS is used to select a font family for the whole text content.

.secs.withUnit.cssOverride .progresspie-valuedisplay {
    font-family: sans-serif;
.secs.withUnit.cssOverride .progresspie-unit {
    fill: navy;
    font-weight: bold;
<span class="secs withUnit cssOverride" data-val="35"></span>

Content plug-ins: Load images in background or foreground, background rectangle

To use these content plug-ins, in addition to jQuery and jquery-progresspiesvg-min.js also include the additional plug-in file jquery-progresspiesvg-image-min.js into your HTML!

Background images

The image content plug-in can be used to load an external image file. (To be precise, an SVG element referencing an external image file by a URL is included which tells the browser to separately load the image file and render it as part of the SVG image.) By default, the loaded image is placed in the background, i.e. behind the pie chart.

The following example loads a perfectly circular image as background. The foreground color of the pie is semi-transparent in order to let part of the background image shine through. In this case we use the predefined color scheme for a color (red-yellow-green) depending on the percent value, but since we need transparency, we can't use the predefined COLOR mode, but we write our own color function simply calling the predefined static $.fn.progressPie.colorByPercent() function which provides an optional second parameter for setting an alpha channel. Furthermore, the background circle is disabled (stroke width: 0):

    color: function(percent) {
        return $.fn.progressPie.colorByPercent(percent, 0.7);
    size: 120,
    strokeWidth: 0,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "image",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        href: "images/earth-147591.svg"

In this case the visible part of the image is exactly the area of the pie chart, as the image is square and the areas of that image outside the maximum fitting circle are transparent. But consider, we'd use a photo without such transparent regions:

    color: "rgba(0,150,250,0.6)",
    size: 120,
    strokeWidth: 0,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "image",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        href: "images/world-photo.jpg"

You see the whole image is used as background. This can be changed by setting the image content plug-in's option clipCircle to true, which will cut a circle out of the background image. Also, since the world in this photo is slightly smaller than the pie graph and the image is not perfectly rectangular, leaving a small unfilled gap on top and bottom, let's draw a navy-colored background circle around the pie chart. By setting overlap to false, the blue semi-transparent pie will not be overlapping said navy background circle but be drawn inside:

    color: "rgba(0,150,250,0.6)",
    size: 120,
    strokeWidth: 3,
    strokeColor: "navy",
    overlap: false,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "image",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        href: "images/world-photo.jpg",
        clipCircle: true

If you draw a ring graph (by setting the ringWidth option), by default the image will be drawn to fit inside the ring:

    scale: 2,
    color: "navy",
    size: 60,
    strokeWidth: 0,
    ringWidth: 6,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "image",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        href: "images/earth-147591.svg", 
        margin: 0

For the image to be drawn as fullsize background just like in pie mode, set the fullSize option (in the contentPluginOptions) to true. Just like in pie mode, the image is drawn into the background by default, such that the ring wil be drawn on top of the image.

The next example also demonstrates the use of more than one content plug-in: Not only will a fullsize image be loaded as background, but the Value Display plug-in (see above) will also be used to display the percent value in the foreground (inside the ring, on top of the background image):

    scale: 2,
    color: "navy",
    size: 60,
    valueData: "val",
    strokeWidth: 2,
    ringWidth: 8,
    contentPlugin: ["image", "percent"],
    contentPluginOptions: [
        { // options for "image"
            href: "images/earth-147591.svg",
            fullSize: true
        { // options for "percent"
            color: "white",

For better readability of the numbers on top of the image, we set the font weight to bold, by setting a style on the paragraph containing the charts:

<p style="font-weight: bold">
    <span class="pr twoplugins" data-val="15"></span>
    <span class="pr twoplugins" data-val="40"></span>
    <span class="pr twoplugins" data-val="70"></span>
    <span class="pr twoplugins" data-val="100"></span>

Images/Icons inside a ring graph

As has already been said, for a ring graph a loded image will by default be fitted inside the circle. This mode is usually not meant for background images but for content inside the graph similar to the other content plug-ins above, only that the content is loaded from a file.

The following example shows such an image inside a ring graph. The rest of the chart, in this case, is styled via CSS.

    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.CSS,
    size: 120,
    valueData: "val",
    strokeWidth: 10,
    ringWidth: 10,
    contentPlugin: "image",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        href: "images/car-160115.svg",
        inBackground: false,
        margin: 6
.pr.car svg {
    vertical-align: bottom;
.pr.car .progresspie-background {
    fill: #eef;
    stroke: #dde;
.pr.car .progresspie-foreground {
    stroke: #55f;

Let's assume some content images may not completely fit into the ring. In this case, it makes a difference whether they are drawn in background (will be overlapped by the ring, default) or in foreground (will overlap the ring). The following example demonstrates that, the images (see: eyebrows) slightly overlap the ring. To achieve this, the inBackground option is set to false (defaults to true). Also, this example will load one out of three different images depending on the percent value:

var smileyOptions = {
    inBackground: false,
    margin: -1
    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.COLOR,
    size: 120,
    valueData: "val",
    strokeWidth: 6,
    ringWidth: 6,
    strokeColor: "#ddd",
    contentPlugin: "image",
    optionsByPercent: function(percent) {
        if (percent < 33) {
            return { contentPluginOptions: $.extend({href: "images/frowning-150840.svg"}, smileyOptions)};
        } else if (percent > 66) {
            return { contentPluginOptions: $.extend({href: "images/smiley-150841.svg"}, smileyOptions)};
        } else {
            return { contentPluginOptions: $.extend({href: "images/smiley-150837.svg"}, smileyOptions)};


Not only can you load an image into the background or foreground of the pie or ring (optionally clipping it circularly). Alternatively, you may also use the MASK mode: Setting mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.MASK is only applicable if at least one content plug-in is specified which draws into the background of the chart. The chart will then be used as a mask for the previous layer, i.e. the output of the first content plug-in which draws into the background. For now let's work with only one content plug-in drawing a background image.

The default behaviour of the MASK mode is: Every point of the chart itself will be showing the background image, every point not covered by the chart will stay transparent and not show the background image. One could say the background image provides the 'ink' for drawing the chart:

    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.MASK,
    strokeWidth: 5,
    size: 120,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "image",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        href: "images/earth-147591.svg"

In case you define more than one background image, only the layer directly behind the pie will be masked by the pie. Layers behind that will be drawn as regular background images. The following example will demonstrate this by adding a second background image behind the world background:

    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.MASK,
    strokeWidth: 5,
    size: 120,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: ["image", "image"],
    contentPluginOptions: [
        { //first background, i.e. layer directly behind chart, to be masked
            href: "images/earth-147591.svg"
        { //second background, i.e. layer even behind first background, not masked
            href: "images/puzzlebg.png"

Of course, this puzzle background might also be clipped circulary with the clipCircle option, as has already been demonstrated above. Below in section Margin and Padding we'll pick up on this example again, showing how to reduce the size of the chart in relation to the background image.

The default mask only consists of opaque and transparent regions. The chart's color in the mask is set to $.fn.progressPie.Mode.MASK.color, which defaults to 'white': White parts of the mask are showing 100% of the background image. The rest of the mask (like the inner of the background circle) is not filled at all by default, meaning the resulting image also won't be filled there, i.e. none of the background image will show.

The foreground color could be modified globally by overwriting $.fn.progressPie.Mode.MASK.color or locally by CSS formatting or via progressPie's standard options color and strokeColor. Only in MASK mode these colors are not drawn visibly into a diagram layer but into the mask, defining the grade of transparency. The following example demonstrates this by using a color function defining a color from black (fully transparent mask) for 0% and white (fully opaque mask) for 100% with linear grades in between for any ohter percent value:

    color: function(p) {
        var v = Math.ceil(p * 255 / 100);
        return "rgb(" + v + ", " + v + ", " + v + ")";

Analogously, you may alter the background color of the mask: Let's modify both of the .pp.mask and .pp.mask2 examples by adding the backgroundColor option to each, which defines a fill color for the rest of the circle not covered by the pie (but not for the background outside the circle). We're setting it to some dark shade of grey. While white areas of the mask show 100% of the background image and black areas just like transparent areas completely hide the background, colors in between these extremes simply partially mask the background image: The darker, the less of the image shines through.

$(".pp.mask.bg, .pp.mask2.bg").setupProgressPie({
    backgroundColor: "#444"

Beside the MASK mode there's also an inverted mask mode, called IMASK. In IMASK mode, the pie inside the mask is drawn in color $.fn.progressPie.Mode.IMASK.color (defaulting to black) and the background of the mask is filled in $.fn.progressPie.Mode.IMASK.color (defaulting to white). This means the pie is effectively cut out of the background image, leaving a transparent shape of the pie:

    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.IMASK,
    strokeWidth: 5,
    size: 120,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "image",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        href: "images/puzzlebg.png"

The example above is not meant to look pretty, it's just a first simple demonstration of IMASK mode. Further below we'll use IMASK mode in combination with some other features like background rectangles and padding for a more complex and more beautiful example.

Margin and Padding

The progressPie() method supports two options which both introduce a border around the pie or ring chart:

  • margin defines the width of an always transparent outer border around the chart. Effectively, this just enlarges the so-called view box of the SVG image.

  • padding defines the width of an inner border (between the outer margin border and the chart).

Both options may be simple numbers (defining a margin or padding of the same width on all four sides of the rectangular SVG image) or they may be arrays of up to 4 numbers, defining different widths for the four sides. If you use an array property, stating up to four numbers for the width of a margin or padding, these are read as follows (analogous to the margin and padding shorthand specifications in CSS): The first number defines the top margin, the second defines the right margin, the third's the bottom margin and the fourth is the left margin. If you think of an analog clock face, the margin/padding values are read clockwise, beginning at the top (12 o'clock). If you don't specify a fourth value (left), the left margin/padding equals the right. If you don't specify a third value, the bottom margin/padding will match the top margin/padding.

Both options default to 0, i.e. by default neither margin nor padding are added around the chart. Margin and padding add up to the total free border around the chart. The difference between them only shows when using content plug-ins like "image" or "backgroundRect" (see next section): These may draw a background larger than the pie itself. The boundaries of a background rectangle or a full-sized background image (i.e. one not fitted into a ring graph) are exactly the chart's size plus its padding, i.e. the inner border will also be filled with the background, while the outer border (margin) will always stay blank.

The following example demonstrates this: We set a padding of 20 pixels, meaning that the background images are 40 pixels wider and higher than the pie's size. If you compare this to the examples above, you'll find, that in the latter the chart “touched” the edges of the background image, while now there's a 20 pixel wide gap in each direction between the pie and the puzzle image's edges.

For demonstration purposes, we also set a margin, i.e blank space left free around the background image. In this case, we'll demonstrate the array syntax for a non-symmetrical margin: margin: [5, 10, 20] sets a top margin of 5 pixels, a right margin of 10 pixels and a bottom margin of 20 pixels. Since no fourth value (left margin) is given, the left margin equals the right margin (10 pixels).
To visualize the margin, we add a dotted border around the whole SVG image via CSS. The blank (transparent) space between the dotted line and the background image is exactly this margin.

Lastly, it's important to know that the padding: 20 setting not only enlarges the area of the puzzle background image, but also that of the earth background image (masked by the pie). If we accepted that, only an inner part of that globe icon would be visible through the pie mask:

Notice that, in comparison to images above, Africa as well as northern parts of North America and southern South America are missing. We clearly don't see the whole globe as shown in previous examples.

In order to compensate this clipping of the globe, i.e. to scale down the earth image again to the size of the pie chart, we add margin: 20 to the earth image's contentPluginOptions. This way, inside the area filled by the content plug-in (pie size plus global padding) a margin of exactly the same size as the global padding is left free, i.e. the actual image is the same size as the pie chart again, the pie chart's padding and the content plug-in's own inner margin neutralize each other.
(The content plug-in's margin—see Details on sizing and measurements—is not to be confused with the global chart's margin!)

The complete examples looks as follows:

    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.MASK,
    strokeWidth: 5,
    size: 120,
    valueData: "val", 
    padding: 20,
    margin: [5, 10, 20],
    contentPlugin: ["image", "image"],
    contentPluginOptions: [
        { //first background, i.e. layer directly behind chart, to be masked
            href: "images/earth-147591.svg", 
            margin: 20 //neutralize global padding for this image only
        { //second background, i.e. layer even behind first background, not masked
            href: "images/puzzlebg.png"
.pp.mask3 svg {
    border: 1px dotted silver;

Adding a background rectangle

Besides the "image" content plug-in, the file jquery-progresspie-image.js also contains a helper plug-in "backgroundRect" which simply adds a background layer drawing a rectangle around the pie (also covering the padding, i.e. if the padding option is set, the rectangle will enclose the pie and its padding).

You may set a stroke color in option stroke and/or a fill color in option fill. At least one of these two options has to be specified. If you set a stroke color, you may also set a stroke width via the option strokeWidth. Note that increasing the strokeWidth will not cause the rectangle to grow wider, the stroke width will only expand inwards, covering more of the padding but not reducing the margin.
We'll demonstrate that in the following example: That sets a top padding of 4 pixels and a left padding of 5 pixels, and their opposite paddings (bottom resp. right) are twice as wide (8 resp. 10 pixels). The strokeWidth is also set to 4. Since the strokeWidth equals the top padding, the whole top padding is covered by the stroke, the top side of the rectangle's stroke thus touches the pie chart. On the left side a gap of 1 pixel is left free between the rectangle and the pie, since the left padding is 1 pixel wider than the strokeWidth. Since the right and bottom padding are even wider, the pie chart is not centered inside the rectangle.

    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.COLOR,
    size: 50,
    padding: [4, 10, 8, 5], 
    strokeWidth: 3,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: "backgroundRect",
    contentPluginOptions: {
        stroke: "red",
        fill: "silver",
        strokeWidth: 4

Now finally a more complex example

This example is inspired by iOS's display of an app icon on the home screen during the installation of an app:

  • We'll draw an app icon as background image using the "image" plug-in.

  • On top of that, we'll draw a semi-transparent grey layer using the "backgroundRect" content plug-in. This layer darkens the background icon.

  • The pie chart will then be cut out of that darkening layer using the IMASK mode. So in the places covered by the pie, the background image will shine through in its original brightness.

  • In order to draw a pie smaller than the background icon, we use the padding option.

  • Finally, we'll use CSS to add a border radius to the whole generated SVG image.

    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.IMASK,
    padding: 20,
    size: 80,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: ["backgroundRect", "image"],
    contentPluginOptions: [
        { //options for "backgroundRect", first background directly behind chart, to be masked
            fill: "rgba(0,0,0,0.6)"
        { //options for "image", second background behind the first, not masked
            href: "images/appstore.png"
.pp.appupdate svg {
    border-radius: 30px;

With a single number for the padding (i.e. equal padding width on all four sides) we always get a square SVG, and the background image also should be square. If we want to use a non-square recangular background image, we'll have to set vertical and horizontal paddings differently.

The following example is a slight variation of the previous one. We use a background image which is 640 pixels wide and 426 pixels high. Our target SVG shell be half the size (320 by 213 px). As diameter for the actual pie chart, we choose 190 pixels. This means, we'll have to add a top and bottom margin of (together) 23 pixels. To vertically center the pie on top of the image, top and bottom margin should be the same, i.e. half of 23 pixels = 11.5 pixels.

Similarly, we add a left and right padding of 65 pixels each such that the total width is 190 + 2 * 65 = 320 pixels. (Since the image is scaled to fit into the target rectangle, the latter has to have exactly the same proportions (width by height) as the photo, or else the photo will not fill the complete target rectangle but will leave blank stripes on top and bottom resp. on left and right.)

    mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.IMASK,
    size: 190,
    padding: [11.5, 65],
    strokeWidth: 5,
    valueData: "val",
    contentPlugin: ["backgroundRect", "image"],
    contentPluginOptions: [
            fill: "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)"
            href: "images/mustang_640x426.jpg"

By defining the padding with just two values, the pie is vertically and horizontally centered in the example above.
We can move the pie to "focus" on the Mustang by defining different padding values for left and right resp, top and bottom sides:

    padding: [23, 47, 0, 83],

All background image files used in these examples were taken from pixabay.
