Normally the program should work without problems, it has been tested on several platforms (Windows 98, NT4, 2000 and XP).
However in some cases there might occur problems when calling the converter. If in reaction to pressing the "start conversion" button only a DOS-Box pops up and disappears again immediately (leaving the work undone), then please deactivate the "close converter windows after conversion" checkbox and press "start conversion" again. Now the DOS-Box will stay open and allow to read the error message it should contain.
If it only contains an error message (without any prompt before), then there was probably a problem calling the converter script in the first place. Such an error has been reported (on a Win NT4 system) and there it could be solved by renaming the directory where Isg WaveSqueezer was installed to a DOS conform filename (max 8 letters, no blank spaces).
If the DOS-Box shows the correct command to call the converter script and the error message follows after that, then probably the script is erroneous or the converter can not be found. After original installation such an error should never occur. In self-written scripts this error message may hint at the fault in the script.